Software as a Service solutions offer numerous advantages for companies. The focus is on greater flexibility, calculable costs and improved security. In addition to these performance-oriented reasons, however, the decision in favor of a SaaS system also has implications for your employees. With an in-house installation, you depend on your employees having the necessary expertise to successfully complete the installation and maintain operations. In addition, you need the appropriate hardware in form of server capacity, which has to be constantly expanded for updates, backups, etc. The costs incurred in the process are not to be neglected.
The ISGUS Cloud significantly reduces these maintenance, administration and operating expenses. Our experienced experts take care of the installation, setting the necessary parameters according to your individual requirements. Backups are created and saved automatically. So there is no need to set up your own local IT infrastructure for Workforce Management. This saves you the expense of hiring, training and educating your own staff to operate the modern IT infrastructure on an ongoing basis. These free personnel capacities can then be used for projects that move your business forward.
A major advantage of the cloud solution is the scalability of the system. If expansions are necessary because you want to use another module or include new city locations or departments in the system, the existing server capacity must be increased accordingly to meet the new requirements. With an on premise installation, you are dependent on your own capacities and have to supplement them with the necessary hardware.
In the ISGUS Cloud, these capacities can be easily supplemented without any effort on your part.
With the use of IT infrastructure and software remotely, working across locations and countries is no longer a problem. TAM as a SaaS system can be easily used from anywhere, all you need is internet access. This makes it possible to implement hybrid working without any restrictions. In addition to the local flexibility, you are also flexible in the choice of your end device: Use TAM on your PC or record your working hours simply and reliably via your smartphone.
Thanks to Software as a Service, you are completely flexible when it comes to structuring your working hours. Thanks to the modern software, you always have an overview of which employees are currently active from which location. You too can benefit from improved digital communication.