Nowadays, cloud computing is an essential part of our everydays business life. Immediate availability of data, independent from time zones or distances, is required to get, for example, insights into production or to manage personnel data from home. As a part of cloud computing, software as a service has a special meaning for the competitive advantage. SaaS is based on the approach that software and the corresponding IT infrastructure is hosted at an external service provider and can be used as a service by customers. With the ISGUS data center and our Cloud offer you can optimize existing cost structures and thus create more planning security for the IT budget at the same time.
ISGUS offers the individual solution for all industries:
Workforce Management software has indicidual needs for the hosting. Data bases need to be scalable and have to meet curtain requirements to guarantee compliance with labor laws and internal guidelines. The ISGUS Cloud is ideally prepared for this purpose and your system can be set-up or extended at any time. Furthermore, you optimize your cost structure because you can benefit from plannable costs and a monthly service fee.
The use of TAM SaaS is in no relation to other IT projects you have running. The system can easily be set-up and extensions can be installed at any time. For you, the usage of TAM SaaS is as self-suficient as an inhouse application. In case of any service requests you can always contact our regional service centers to get personal and competent advice.
During installation your requirements are discussed by well-trained employees to tailor your system ideally to your personal needs and preferences. For all modules and features you get a professional training and individual consultation is just on phonecall away. Use the ISGUS Cloud and leave the worries about all technical, financial and human resources for the acquisition, operation, maintenance and administration of an in-house IT in our capable hands.
For the ISGUS Cloud we can guarantee an availability of 99.5%, which makes the ISGUS Cloud to one of the most accessible systems. This means, you can relibly use your system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For operation, strict German law applies, what makes your workforce mangement software even more compliant.